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Trade of Wood and Wood Residues

Wood, the development of sectors


Wood and wood residues marketing services provided by Forestcorte provide for the evaluation, buying and sale of wood for pulp production, sawmill, forest biomass and even areas measurement services. 



Market Indicators

Respecting market indicators that control the evolution of the prices of timber and forest biomass, Forestcorte evaluates, buys and sells all types of materials and forest resources, responding dynamically to the economic and environmental goals of all parties involved in the business. 

Professional and experienced performance

Forestcorte professional and experienced performance complementary areas of expertise to sales activity - such as forest exploitation and valuing - allows to combine the best interests of a broad range of customers and markets that value the flexibility and diversification of forest products.



Galeria de Imagens

Prémio PME Lider 2012 Prémio PME excelencia 2012
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